un sdgs

The UN SDGs and your business

Would you like to understand better the UN Sustainable Development Goals (adopted by all UN member states in 2015) and how you might align your business towards achieving them? While recent global events have reversed some progress, this is no reason to give up on them. Whether you have never heard of or are familiar with these goals, we invite you to an informal scoping get-together. We will play a game devised by Eco Action Games to help us understand the 17 goals and their subsections and share our knowledge, understanding or intuitions. Let’s work together towards a better future.

What is sustainable development?

“Meeting the needs of the present without compromising the ability of future generations to meet their own needs” Brundtland Report (1987)

It would be good to gather together 6 – 12 representatives from a range of different types of business within the Norfolk Network and agree on a date and time to meet – possibly after work on a Thursday between mid-August and the end of September. Triple Bottom Line Accounting will provide drinks and nibbles from sustainable local providers. Attendance is free of charge, with the opportunity to voluntarily donate to The Feed, our corporate charity. 
Contact Fran Ellington before Friday 25th August to express your interest in this idea and indicate times of day and best dates for you in September. The venue will be The Enterprise Centre, UEA.

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The Enterprise Centre, University Drive, Norwich, NR4 7TJ  |  Company number:  06785251  |  VAT number:  254550803

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