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TBLA Client News May 2024

As we move into the new tax year, we wanted to share some important updates and news from Triple Bottom Line Accounting.

In this blog:

  1. Immediate changes at Companies House
  2. Longer Term Changes at Companies House
  3. TBLA Staff News
  4. Carbon Accounting Certification
  5. Budget Highlights
  6. Annual Client Survey
  7. Contact us

1. Changes at Companies House: The Economic Crime and Corporate Transparency Act introduces several changes directly impacting your communication with Companies House. We are managing these changes on your behalf, including new identity verification procedures, a registered email address requirement, and an increase in fees (in particular, they have increased the cost of the annual statement filing form from £11 to £34, and we have to pass this on to you as we file them).

2. Longer-term Changes at Companies House: Companies House is implementing several longer-term changes to enhance transparency, combat economic crime, and bolster confidence in the U.K. economy. These changes include mandatory identity verification, transitioning towards software-based account filing, and enhanced investigation and enforcement powers.

3. Staff News: We are thrilled to announce that Tatiana Blana is stepping into a new role as a Director at TBLA. We also congratulate director and practice manager, Luke Hilditch on his 10th anniversary with the firm, Eleanor Hannant and Sonny Millington-Flack for completing their AAT examinations and apprenticeships. We welcome Callum Woods as a new Trainee Accountant. 

4. Carbon Accounting Certification: After successfully completing some training, Trace awarded Peter, Fran, and Claire (pictured above) a Carbon Accounting certificate. We can now assist you with setting your baseline emissions calculations, engaging your people, and helping you plan and budget to achieve net zero over the next few years. Contact us for a quote. 

5. Budget Highlights: The recent budget saw reductions in National Insurance rates, changes to dividend tax allowances, and the removal of the lifetime pension allowance. Other key highlights include reduced Capital Gains Tax on residential properties, abolishing the Furnished Holiday Lettings tax regime, and introducing new UK-focused savings options.

6. Annual Client Survey: Look out for the survey arriving in your inbox soon. As a B Corp-certified business, we value your insights on improving the services we offer you. Of course, you do not have to wait for the survey to tell your account manager what we do well and where we could improve!

We are committed to supporting you and your business throughout these changes and developments. If you have any questions or need further assistance, please don’t hesitate to contact your dedicated account manager. If you’re unsure whom to contact, email  and we’ll be happy to direct you to the right person.

Your success is our priority, and we look forward to working with you in the new financial year.

Best regards,

The Triple Bottom Line Accounting Team

Climate tip for summer 2024: “If you’re planning a trip this summer, consider whether you could get there flight-free. Climate Perks has lots of resources to help you plan low-carbon trips, and switching planes for trains can cut carbon by over 90%. Plus, you get extra days off to cover your travel time, so you can enjoy a more relaxed journey.”  “Travelling from London to Barcelona by train cuts your CO2 emissions by 92%.”

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The Enterprise Centre, University Drive, Norwich, NR4 7TJ  |  Company number:  06785251  |  VAT number:  254550803

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