Sustainable Purchasing Policy

It is the policy of TBLA Ltd to identify and manage the environmental, social and
economic impacts within our supply chain.

We are committed to:

  • The prompt payment code:
  • As a general rule we pay all invoices within 10 working days.
  • Setting objectives and action plans in support of this policy, and pursuing continuous improvement of our practices (this will be ongoing via supplier data base updated and reviewed regularly)
  • Prioritising suppliers who have embedded sustainable and ethical practices within their organisation and who drive such practices within their own supply chain
  • Prioritising local suppliers to reduce carbon footprint of delivery
  • Where historically we are using suppliers that do not meet our current objectives we will lobby them to improve or plan to transfer to alternative supplier

Through supplier selection and direct engagement, we will favour suppliers that actively:

  • Reduce their environmental footprint through:
  • Conservation of resources, including the use of energy, water and materials
  • Waste minimisation, both within their operations and through reduction of packaging
  • Reducing the impact of deliveries and maximising local sourcing
  • Score well in the environment, sustainability and animal sections of Ethical Consumer
  • Deliver benefits to society through:
  • Providing the Real Living Wage (at a minimum) to employees and contractors in the UK
  • Score well (and are not being boycotted) in the People and Politics sections of Ethical Consumer

We will check suppliers using recognised tools such as

Where there is little choice* on ethical alternatives, we will directly engage with supplier to seek action plans for improvements

*E.g. where buying an inferior but more ethical alternative would compromise our professional standards to an unacceptable degree
⦁ Effective tools for big impact engagement can be found in Ethical Consumer campaigns and boycotts section

This policy will be communicated throughout the firm and is available for public review. It will be reviewed on a regular basis to evaluate continued relevance, monitor compliance and drive continual improvement.

Suppliers checked and actions taken

Before any new purchase of services or products procurer must consult our sustainable suppliers data base found in the staff handbook folder- or ask sustainability director carry out checks.

Key for registers checked:

Communicated to team and agreed: 23/2/202, 23/2/2021, 26/1/2022, 27/3/2023 and 27/6/2024


Next review due: June 2025

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The Enterprise Centre, University Drive, Norwich, NR4 7TJ  |  Company number:  06785251  |  VAT number:  254550803

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