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Triple Bottom Line Accounting founder and CEO, Peter Ellington, is appointed as a Council Member of the Association of International Accountants (AIA)

The Association of International Accountants (AIA) is pleased to announce the appointment of Dr Peter Ellington as their sustainability expert. Peter, who is also an associate professor at the UEA Business School, says,

“I am delighted and honoured to accept the appointment as a Council Member of the Association of International Accountants (AIA). It is an excellent opportunity to be a voice for change in the accountancy world, helping the AIA educate and inform governments, businesses, and society on how we adapt and mitigate climate change and broader sustainability issues.

Business models and economic imperatives are rapidly changing from a shareholder capital approach to a holistic approach. This is where natural capital and social capital are included fully in accounting for money capital. In this new era, accountancy skills are pivotal in implementing accounting and ESG reporting and leading the change in business practices.

Triple Bottom Line Accounting Limited (TBLA) has practised under licence with the AIA since 2014. The support and guidance from the team at AIA have been invaluable to TBLAs high standards of operation and growth.

The AIA is a leading professional body for accountants and finance professionals with a long-standing reputation for excellence in professional education and a dynamic global membership. Its agility and reach enable the AIA to respond quickly to society’s existential challenges.”

About AIA

The Association of International Accountants (AIA) is a leading professional body for accountants and finance professionals with a long-standing reputation for excellence in professional education and a dynamic global membership.

Based in the United Kingdom, AIA has an established history of improving professional skills and ethical standards across the sector; its members are recognised, respected and regulated.

AIA’s commitment to protecting the public interest and advancing professional standards is evident through its respected qualifications portfolio, robust membership requirements and the production of research, best practice and skills guidance.

Members are bound by the AIA Constitution, which includes regulatory requirements and a Code of Ethics.

AIA actively seeks further accreditation, recognition and independent regulation with external stakeholders, government and standard setters to ensure both the AIA and its members are trusted, respected and accountable.

About Peter

Peter Ellington is the Founder of Triple Bottom Line Accounting. He has a Doctorate in Education, Accounting Education from the UCL Institute of Education. He campaigns for social and environmental justice, specifically on how accounting and accounting education needs to change in response to the triple crises of climate, biodiversity loss and social breakdown.

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