purpose driven accounting graphic

How Accountants can save the world

Driving humanity’s success by recording and advising on money-based transactions has been the superpower of accountants for centuries.

The world is changing and using money as the primary measure of success is no longer enough. We are accelerating into a new era of responsible capitalism, where items that did not carry a monetary valuation (natural and social capitals) are being called into account.

The time has come for accountants to use their superpowers to save the world.


Accountants can sign up for this new 3-part CPD series hosted by the

Association of International Accountants

Beginning on 14th November 12.30 – 1.30pm


Dr Peter Ellington

Founder of Triple Bottom Line Accounting & Associate Professor at Norwich Business School

Andrea Finegan

Visiting fellow at the University of East Anglia, where she teaches Sustainable Finance on the Executive MBA programme.

Fran Ellington

ESG director at Triple Bottom Line Accounting


Triple Bottom Line Accounting for Capital:

Money-measured capital: The measurement of possessions gathered through the creation of monetary wealth and day-to-day movement in economic transactions.

Natural capital: The essential resources on which humanity and all living things depend, provided free from nature, including air, water, soil, plants, food, biodiversity, and climate.

Social capital: How we function together as people; it enables society to be effective. It includes collaboration, fair distribution, trust, participation, and caring for each other.


Merging of the three capitals

Rewards and penalties for appropriate stewardship of natural and social capitals are having a greater and accelerating impact on money-measured capital. For organisations to succeed and survive, accountants must measure the use and protection of all three capitals.

Accountants must use their superpowers to manage the three capitals and save the world.

Free CPD for accountants and finance professionals available here funded by the AIA


Module 1: What Does Sustainability Mean For Accountants?  14/11/2022:

Module 2: Climate Change – Net Zero and Carbon Accounting   05/12/2022

Module 3:  Why ESG Values Are Integral To Future Economic Sustainability 09/01/2023

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