The Future of Business Travel Electric Vehicles

The Future of Business Travel – Electric Vehicles

Peter Ellington, Triple Bottom Line Accounting founder and Associate Professor at the UEA Norwich Business School, was invited to talk about the tax incentives for Electric Vehicles by Andy Gray, NatWest Business Growth Enabler, Midlands & East of England.

You can watch Peter’s 9- minute presentation here.

Peter was joined by:

  • Leon Davies, Founder of ZeroTaxi and Goodery
  • Richard Seppings, Anglia Charging Solutions
  • Leah Waterhouse, Lombard Asset Finance

While we welcome the transition from the internal combustion engine to Electric Vehicles, ideally powered by renewable energy, TBLA does not advocate EVs as the panacea to the climate emergency.

As Jonathan Porritt writes in the Spring 2021 edition of Permaculture Magazine, “a transport system based on EVs is not sustainable. Not by a million miles. Huge amounts of energy are required for their manufacture: batteries depend on lithium and cobalt, often mined where human rights are routinely abused.”

So, we would call for a better integrated public transport system, powered by green hydrogen sometime soon. Meanwhile, all private and company EV owners could sign up to a car share scheme for the daily commute.

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